Clinical Pre-admission Clinic
At St Andrew’s Toowoomba Hospital a nurse will assess each patient prior to their actual admission to hospital. This assessment includes obtaining your medical history, provides you with information about your impending procedure, offers you the opportunity to ask questions about what to expect during your stay in hospital and assists you to plan for your discharge home. The pre-admission information exchange aims to remove the fear of the unknown for patients. It also helps the hospital to prepare for each patient’s individual needs. Pre-admission assessments may be made over the telephone in some cases however patients requiring major procedures are required to visit the Pre-admission Clinic in person for a more thorough clinical assessment.
Pre-Anaesthetic Clinic
This particular service forms a valuable part of the pre-admission process at St Andrew’s Toowoomba Hospital. An appointment is arranged at the request of your admitting Visiting Medical Officer and appointments are booked in the same manner as the Pre-admission Clinic. The pre-anaesthetic service provides a thorough assessment by a specialist Anaesthetist for patients with medical conditions prior to impending anaesthesia and surgery. In some cases, patients may be referred from this clinic for further testing and assessment prior to surgery.
Day Hospital/Surgical Admission Centre
All surgical patients admitted to St Andrew’s Toowoomba Hospital on the day of their procedure will present to our Day Hospital/Surgical Admission Centre. Located within the operating room complex, the Day Hospital/Surgical Admission Lounge contains 5 private consultation rooms, comfortable chairs, recliners, televisions and magazines to ensure each patient’s comfort and privacy while waiting for their procedure. Patients are admitted, prepared for their procedure, seen by their anaesthetist and transported directly to the operating room from this central location. All other patient admissions will present to the Main Reception of the hospital.
Discharge Arrangements
Your doctor will inform nursing staff when you are to be discharged.
Each morning the Ward Clerk notifies the staff at the Main Receiption of all scheduled departures for the hospital. When departing the hospital, the nursing staff will escort you to the Main Receiption where the staff will advise you of any miscellaneous expenses incurred, arrangement for finalization of any outstanding accounts and ensure all relevant documentation, such as health fund claim forms, are signed.
Upon departure, please ensure that you have any x-rays, medications, prescriptions and all of your belongings.