Pastoral Care

A stay in Hospital often brings changes to your life, and the lives of your loved ones.  Pastoral Care is committed to compassionately supporting and caring for you and those around you.

Our Pastoral Care team consists of representatives from various religious groups in and around Toowoomba.  Pastoral Care workers visit patients and/or their families who are in need of assistance, help, support, Bible reading or Prayer.  There is a Gideon Bible in every room.  The Pastoral Care team is dedicated to providing spiritual and emotional support to all, regardless of their beliefs.

There is an onsite Pastoral Carer Tuesday’s to Thursday’s from 8:00am to 4:30pm.  They are on call all other times:

  • To support all patients, visitors, staff and volunteers
  • To listen with compassion to the things which are important to you
  • To offer Bible readings and Prayer
  • To offer grief, crisis, and bereavement support
  • To assist in contacting representatives from your Faith Group

Hospital Chapel:

Our Chapel is open 24 hours for prayer, reflection, meditation and spiritual comfort.  It is located just down the hall from the Main Entrance. Prayer requests left in the box inside the Chapel will be used in our regular prayer time.

Chapel Services:

The Chapel channel on your TV is AV6.  Regular services are held on Wednesday’s at 8am.

Christian TV Channel:

You can watch a variety of programs from Services through shows for Men and Families on Chanel 100 on your in-room TV.


If you would like to see a member of the Chaplaincy and Pastoral Care team or a Minister of your faith, please let your nurse know or contact the hospital reception on (07) 4646 3000.

Whilst St Andrew’s Toowoomba Hospital has an appointed Pastoral Carer, all religious denominations provide a visitation service comprising Ministers of Religion and Pastoral Care Workers.